02 March 2010

Right Turn

Today I realized that I could drive that right lane again - no more Olympic Lanes - and, I made a right turn onto my street once I got off the Cambie Street Bridge. I haven't done that in three weeks. (Hell, I'm still getting used to driving again!) It hadn't occurred to me that I was actually driving UP my block until I was about to turn into my driveway. Is habit returning so quickly?

Let not my memories of these Olympics fade!

I think I might just continue taking the train more regularly or maybe - just maybe - riding my bike into work, much to my chagrin (and John's smirking, "Ride in the rain, you have the gear.") - I need to after the buffet on that cruise.

Life after the big party: definitely less traffic, and more pride.

That is all.

1 comment:

  1. Hey "Lady M" right turns should only be made in the right lane because we definitely are in the right land that is the great CANADA.
