19 February 2010

Even when I don't do anything Olympic, it's Olympic

I wore flip flops today. It's the Winter Olympics and I wore flip flops. I needed a pedicure, what can I say. The point is, it was actually warm enough to stay in them for most of the afternoon. Can you believe it? The world is going to think that this is winter in Vancouver every year.

I told Lorna yesterday that last year we had tons of snow, to which she promptly replied (in the form of a polite question), "Now when you say it snowed lots, what do you mean?" Obviously not as much as Ottawa, but you all remember when it snowed for two straight weeks last season, no? Anyway... (I'm digressing, again)

I did nothing but clean, iron, and pack. (And watch Olympic coverage on CTV, of course.) I saw Jon Montgomery take the gold in men's skeleton - only 0.07 faster than the Latvian dude. Unreal. Canada's 4th Gold. Within minutes, I hear singing and dancing and yelling and celebrating from outside my window. It's still going.

Khristine, Erwin, and the girls arrive. Wide-eyed, "It's crazy..." K says.

I tell them to go for a quick walk.

I can't explain how incredibly packed it is - the world... in its entirety is outside my building. So are the police. No trouble, though. Just people with beverages and dried plant things rolled up in paper - harmless really - and in some areas some pick up games of street hockey - which is ideal since no one ever has to yell "CAR"...

1 comment:

  1. This may sound terribly egocentric, but I feel like M is writing directly to me. Thank you for sharing your living space. I have loved reading your blog and following the Games through your eyes. It's sure is great to be home.
